Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 0 comments
If you are not already aware of what matcha green tea is, it is basically a tea that is exclusive to particular regions of Japan (especially in the Kyoto prefecture). What makes it so special is the way that it is grown (under bamboo sheets for the final few months of production - to allow the leaves to fill with chlorophyll) and the way that it is processed (ground, on traditional stone mills).

The fact that, with matcha, you are actually consuming the tea leaves themselves, as opposed to the steeped water with traditional green teas, means that you receive all the same health benefits, but amplified.


Contrary to popular belief, matcha green tea does actually contain caffeine.

Now, to many, this may be seen as a bad thing, but with matcha, there is also a natural amino-acid derivative called L-Theanine (a natural mood enhancer) which works in combination with the caffeine to deliver a sustainable release of energy over 6 hours.
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So unlike coffee, where you receive a huge rush of caffeine-fuelled energy, then the next moment you are burnt-out. Matcha actually prolongs this energy release provided by caffeine, to keep you alert and active all day long.

Tea For Weight Loss

Chai tea for weight loss has been debated by many experts. Some individuals are not favor with the idea that indeed Chai tea can help you sculpt your body and remove excess weight. They would say that the concoction would rather make you gain extra calories due to the milk and sugar added in the blending.

Chai tea is basically a combination of black tea, milk, honey and other herbs that are beneficial to your body. If Chai uses sugar instead of honey as sweetener, then perhaps you have the reason to doubt its effectiveness in aiding weight loss.

But putting aside the sugar, the original Chai tea has cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and black pepper in it. Cinnamon is said to help you trim excess weight. It has manganese, iron, calcium and fiber in it. The fiber content stimulates your metabolism. Ginger on the other hand has a lot of health benefits. One of which is the the capacity to arrest digestive problem. It can help you with indigestion, and correct your digestive process. Proper digestion can promote weight loss.

The other spices found in Chai Tea will work in synergy with the Camellia sinensis, the herb used in black tea. The cardamom has detoxification properties. It removes all the toxins found in the body. It also assists the digestive process. The cardamom brings the minty taste of the Chai tea. The black pepper also has the same effect in the digestive system. It improves the metabolism aside from improving your circulatory system and clearing up your respiratory system.

There are other benefits that one can get from drinking this tasty beverages. It has anti-bacterial properties that combat any infection in your body. The rich antioxidants can also fight off the damages that free radicals may bring. This tea also has anti-inflammatory effect. This is even fortified by the presence of ginger in this beverage. The chai tea for weight loss can be served hot or cold, depending on your preference.